Royal Honey Seder
September 25, 2017/Bee
  • By Khan Alasal
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We’ve been asked about what makes kashmiry Sidr honey special. This honey predominantly contains the nectar of the Acacia tree found in the Kashmir valley.Beekeepers harvest this honey from the beehives of the Apis Mellifera species of bees. Every year during the months of April May this honey is harvested and is available for limited time periods only.

There are fewer things better than dipping into a jar of raw Sidr honey. The one I’m savouring whilst writing this is the Sidr Kashmir which has butterscotch and caramel notes. It’s delicious. The distinctive taste and fragrance are attributed to the nectar in Acacia tree. You can find Sidr trees in other parts of the world but it is Raw Sidr honey that is known to be one of the best honey in the world. 

There is a high demand in the international market for Sidr honey. The high levels of antioxidant and anti-microbial properties add to the value and because it is rare with harvesting happening only once or twice a year when the Sidr flowers bloom. It has medicinal characteristics and can be used for the holistic improvement of physical and mental health. Parts of these trees contain Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Sodium which is the same as found in nectar in flowers.

What are The Sidr Honey Benefits?

Sidr honey has multiple benefits and can be used multi functionally. Some of the main Sidr honey benefits are:

  • Relieves throat pain, cough, and flu symptoms
  • Boosts and tremendously increases immunity
  • Improves energy levels
  • Helps fight illnesses and healing processes
  • Helps with hangovers
  • Aids in resting better and feeling calm from within
  • Boosts memory retention
  • Reduces bed-wetting among kids
  • Can potentially heal cancer namely bone cancer, stomach cancer, etc.
  • Since it has zero fat and low sugar, it can be used for weight loss
  • Contains anti-aging properties that can give you a fresh, healthy, and glowing skin

How to use Sidr Honey?

  • Drizzle it to substitute maple syrup and sweeteners on pancakes, waffles, and cupcakes or can even be used as a side sauce for food. This could be a healthier alternative to give your children or age-old people who are suffering from diabetes and want to indulge in some sweetness. This could also be used as a dressing on salads and other food items to give it a dash of that caramelly taste.
  • Adding few drops of honey to hot water with lime and consuming in the morning for maximum health benefits – It is claimed that having this healthy concoction first thing in the morning on an empty stomach could do wonders for your body, including helping you to shed a couple of those pounds around your love handles.
  • Consuming 2-3 spoons of raw honey on a daily basis for increasing overall immunity – Take this the way you religiously consume sea cod pills every day or slip a piece of chocolate into your mouth without anyone noticing. Trust us, this honey tastes and feels better than both!
  • Can be used on wounds, burns, or bruises for faster healing and even provide a cooling sensation to soothe the same. Do you bruise yourself quite often and can’t find an ointment? You always have Sidr honey to helps with treating your wounds in a better way.
  • Add a couple of teaspoons of honey to curries to enhance the flavor. It can be used in Chinese food as an additional condiment. That orange chicken will taste yummier with this honey in it!
  • The lockdown forced us all to sit at home without any opportunity of going out and getting our favorite cosmetic products. But, you’ll be glad to know that there’s a natural way to improve your skin at home. Sidr Honey can also be used in skincare remedies such as honey facemasks along with other medicinal products such as turmeric, yogurt, almond oil, etc. to achieve glowing skin or eradicate acne or pimples on the face. Just mixing up a couple of teaspoons of honey with condiments at home can turn out to be a life-changing face mask thanks to the many Sidr honey benefits.
  • It could be used as a hair mask in a similar fashion along with hair growth-enhancing substances or can even be used to reduce irritation in hair by preventing dandruff growth. Fans of long luscious black hair can take note of such Sidr honey benefits without second doubts.

Is Sidr Honey Helpful For Fighting Cancer?

It is claimed that consuming Sidr honey with grounded cinnamon 3 times a day can ultimately heal bone cancer and even cure it. The improvements in health after starting on this honey treatment can be seen within a month. Some of the other cancers that can be fought with Sidr honey are – brain tumors, breast cancer, liver cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Sidr honey serves the prime purpose of reducing chronic inflammatory processes and increasing immunity. They are even called “natural cancer vaccine” by many. Moreover, it is said that honey is generally rich in flavonoids that contribute towards anti-cancer characteristics and improving immunity. According to recent research, some simple and polyphenols found in honey, namely, caffeic acid (CA), caffeic acid phenyl esters (CAPE), chrysin (CR), galangin (GA), quercetin (QU), kaempferol (KP), acacetin (AC), pinocembrin (PC), pinobanksin (PB), and apigenin (AP), have evolved as promising pharmacological agents in prevention and treatment of cancer.

With everything that the healthcare workers do to treat cancer, it can be quite taxing for the person who is going through the treatment with a great number of side effects inflicting more pain on them. Because of these ill effects that certain treatments possess, finding a healthier and effective alternative can be extremely vital and less destructive on the patient’s physical and mental health.

With reference to the research conducted by Food Science & Nutrition, it is said that “Honey has several bioactive molecules such as caffeic acid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, and flavonoid glycons which have been shown to have inhibitory effects on tumor cell division.” It is further believed that this honey could tremendously improve the conditions of bone and stomach cancer depending on the intake and dosage of the same.

It is said that Sidr honey has no side effects. Even when used in small quantities, Sidr honey shows exceptional antibacterial activity inside the body, helping it keep your system hygienic and free of harmful microbes that could otherwise cause infections.

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